Me and Griff found an apartment! After lots of searching, that is. A basement apartment in Cedar Hills. It's very nice with a nice backyard, a big stone fireplace, sweet bathroom, and is even equipped with a little playroom (won't be needing that anytime soon.) Also, we didn't have to pay anything extra for Griffin's dog, Bailey! I'm really excited about it.
I recieve my endowments on Aug. 25, 2 days before the wedding. My parents and Griffin are coming and I believe Griffin's parents and his Grandpa Sheril and Grandma Annie want to come too so that will be a great experience.
Invitations are out! Happy joyous day. That was a relief to get those done. Keep an eye out for one ;)
If you didn't know, we're going to CANCUN for honeymoon! I'm so excited! I've only heard good things about it. We leave Aug 29 in the morning, early, early and we'll be gone for a week.
I've had my friend and ward bridal shower. Both were dang awesome, I'm lucky to have such great people in my life. Family bridal shower is this Saturday which will be great, I'm sure.
So much to do in so little time! We've been having some fun doing other things too. We had fun up in Midway with the fam, and we've been 4-wheeling, spending time with his family, and then just working working working!
Only 18 more days!!!
One of my more mild presents @ the friend bridal shower haha

My pretty friends :)
The ward bridal shower. The theme was Retro Homemaker.
After our trip up Daniel's Summit. It was so cold!
Tubing at Deer Creek. We could not be thrown ;) Thanks for the pictures Marci.

imma be imma be, imma imma imma be!
AWAWAW!! So cute Gretchie poo!
I'm so excited for you! 10 more days!
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