My fantastic friend, Amy, decided to throw a party.
Black & white to be specific.
It was wonderful.

Me & my pretty friends.

The boys, all decked out.

Menu: Caesar salad (by Brit), home made baguettes (YUM) by Amy's uncle w/ oil & vinegar
Angel hair pasta topped w/ Amy's home made spaghetti sauce accompanied by home made Ciabatta bread with garlic butter. Delish.
Don't forget the Martinellis

Melissa made this beauty.
It was divine.
What a party. Complete with musical chairs and would you rather.
A night to remember.
Thank you my wonderful friends!
*Photos by Brittany and Amy
best party ever
Thank you for titling this post after an MJ song! And thank you for having a birthday that we could celebrate! And thank you for being so cool. And thank you for loving my cake! And thank you for not disowning me as a friend even though I'm starting all these sentences with the word "and" which is a terrible thing to do!!
We are cuh-ute.
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