Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's all in the details...

We have a fab apartment. Great location. Nice and new. But it's the little things I love.

This is our baby bank. We put all our change in to save for our baby. There is $19.31 in there right now. Ya, it'll be a while.

These are the cute salt and pepper shakers Griff got me from Anthro.

We got a yellow Kitchen Aid for Christmas. So great.

I bought this for a dollar at Target. It sprouted but won't get any bigger then that. I put a Buddha next to it for good luck.

These are our toothbrush holders from Dear Lizzie. They're cute.

This is part of our collection of magnets from places we go to. It's a real cactus.

This is a beautiful quilt my mother made us. She is talented.

This is our Lego Star Wars game. We used to play all the time til we got stuck on a level. So annoying.


Jessica Lynn said...

hello! I TOTALLY play that star wars game. also those toothbrush holders and terrific. congrats.

also I miss you.

Marci said...

isn't it so fun to get to fill your very own house with all the stuff that makes it feel like home to you? so much cute stuff!

Amy Buhler said...

ha! i love all those TOO...besides that.. painful, butt level, cactus!!

the WINTERS family! said...

I love your cute apartment too. Mostly I love the two cute people who live there!

don and jacki said...

need to collect more than $20 honey. babies come whether you have the pennies or not! and they are totally worth it! love all your stuff!

Brittany said...

i love your little things too. my life's goal is to have my very own kitchenaid. I LOVE THEM. i love your cute yellow one. huzzah for your apartment!

tinypaperheart said...

i love your toothbrush holders! so cute! :)