Thursday, November 12, 2009

Here we go again...

So, us Walker's got kicked out of our apartment. Yeah. Here's the scoop:
Our not-so-fantastic-upstairs-neighbor, complained about our dog barking too much (which she doesn't. don't be fooled) and that either the dog goes or she will. Which is whatev, we've kind-of been waiting for the chance to move out of here anyway 1. because of our not-so-fantastic-upstairs-neighbor 2. bad location. That was the story yesterday. Today, our renter came over to tell us that his family is moving back into the house we're in right now, and our not-so-fantastic-upstairs-neighbor wants to rent their current house, by herself. We have 30 days to find a new place. This is where you come in. If you know of a apartment to rent in orem/provo area preferably under $700 /month, let me know ASAP!


Marci said...

it's not in provo or orem but it's a house and it's not $700 it's $800 but it's a little cute house in should totally rent it and we could be neighbors!

Unknown said...

dang that is lame. craigslist it! hope you find one soon :)