Friday, May 14, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things

Hello friends! Welcome weekend! I just wanted to take a minute to tell
you about 2 of my new favorite things!
1. Me and Griff man decided it was kind-of vital to get a GPS for our
adventure out to Ohio. And boy, was it the best purchase ever! On our
way here we got to find restaurants before we even pulled into a town. Good
ole' Karen (that's it's name) let us know the speed limit and when we would arrive
at our destination. But I love it because it gives me so much freedom is this place
I've never been. I can look up and address, type it in, and I'm on my way, confidently.
I heart Karen.
2. A friend of ours let us in on a secret of theirs that I have no problem sharing
with you. It's called ground turkey. Yum. Take any recipe you love with ground beef,
replace the beef with the ground turkey and BAM! your dish is now so much healthier
than it was with the beef. And it now includes a superfood! Really, I made sloppy joes
with it the other night and nobody noticed until I told them. Then we decided they were
better than regular sloppy joes because they weren't as greasy!
You're welcome :)


Brittany said...

look at you with your tips. seriously, i could use a gps. i am terrible with directions. and i do expect you to make me turkey sloppy joes when you return. dah i miss you gretch! sounds like you and griff are loving life though!

Amy Buhler said...

ground up turkey on nachos?? no thank you

Aron said...

My wife and i love ours. Its made our road trips so much more interesting!