As a newly married woman, this book stunned me. It's about this woman Ellen, who is also a newlywed. She married Andy, who comes from a well-to-do family from the south. They're life is perfect until Ellen runs into an old love, Leo. The book is all about how she still loves Leo, and her husband, but mostly Leo. What a joke. I had such high anxiety whilst reading this book. The whole story is about how she was going behind her husband's back to see and talk to Leo. How she loves her husband but she feels like her love is deeper with Leo, even though he's a d-bag who broke up with her. How her husband, Andy, doesn't give her enough attention so she feels like she has to go to Leo. And then!....(stop reading if you don't want to know the ending) she magically decides at the end that her marriage is more important to her than her relationship with Leo, and Andy happily blames himself for the whole thing and the live happily ever after. I mean come ON Ellen! Sure, everyone has their first love. Someone from the past you think about from time to time, wondering what happened to them. But if you still are IN LOVE with them, I suggest you not get married to another guy. Just a suggestion.
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