We got all dressed up and he took me to The Roof. We seriously sat there and talked for almost 2 hours and watched the sun set behind the temple. And then we walked around the temple grounds, both so excited and smiley because we knew that was where we are going to get married :) (we have a date and everything I just didn't have the ring which is why he worked hard to surprise me last night) Ok so past the temple and I think past the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, there is this BEAUTIFUL garden and we walked over there to look at the flowers. We were standing there, hugging of course, and he pulled the ring out that was hiding in his pocket the whole time!!! He got down on one knee and said, "Will you marry me?" and I said.....YES! haha And then we went on a carriage ride around scenic Salt Lake...under construction haha. It was fun though and very memorable.
Holy cow I'm so EXCITED to be married to Griffin!!! He is my best friend. He knows me inside and out and I wouldn't be happier marrying anyone else.
Mark your calenders for August 29!!!
here's a better picture of my beautiful ring
haha! I love this. But don't forget about him having to "reposition" you so that he could get the box out of his pocket and open it up behind his back! :)
August 29th!!!!!!!!!
congrats to you! pretty ring for a pretty girl.
woo hoo! love the ring! congrats! how are you going to stand being away from him while you are flitting around in Paris? can't wait to see you as a beautiful new bride!
Sista!! You're ring looks gorgeous!! I love it!! He did good! And paris looks like such fun! Sam sent me a letter and told me he did it before you left and I had to break the rule and look at your blog!! I'm excited for you gretchy poo!! I can't wait to see the pictures and talk to you about at Christmas!! I lova lova lova you!!
:)) happy day for sure!!
i've already asked for work off..i wouldn't miss it for the world!!! can't wait!!
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