About 4 years ago, when I first moved to Utah County, I was sitting with my family in church when I spotted the cutest little boy you'd ever see. Blonde curly hair, big blue eyes, the works. I actually thought I had a crush on a 4 year old. Who would have thought that 4 years later, I would be putting that little 4 year old angel, now 8 years old, in timeout for hitting his little brother. Yes, 4 years I have been babysitting the Lynch family. They were only 3 little blonde angels at first but through the years they've added 2 more to their clan. Ya, they're not angels anymore.

As I sat in a house that will NEVER be clean, with spit up on my shirt, a baby who won't go to sleep, and 4 kids who are begging for more treats, I was trying to remember a time when I was not stuck in this situation. Yes, I'm stuck. Because their mom is in the middle of a melt-down and their dad is off traveling the world. My dad asked me this morning as I was getting ready to go have the energy sucked out of me (yet again), if I've learned anything from going over there everyday of my summer. And what I came up with was this: Never have kids. Really it's the perfect solution. Think about it, why do people have kids anyways? Ya it's sure fun to see how cute they'll be and to think up a perfect name for them, and dress them up in the cutest little clothes. But what happens when that cute little baby poops all over their cute clothes and wakes you up every few hours, begging you to feed them. And that's just when they're babies! What about in a couple years when you actually have to entertain these youngsters. And you're screaming their name when they don't ever listen to you. Everything goes to sh...crap. The house and everything in it, your clothes, your electronics, your tools, your car, everything! Even when they get older the stress just develops into more and more stress and all you get is an ungreatful someone who takes all your money, heart, and soul. Yes, I do realize how selfish I sound but is it really that bad to want sleep, and to see the world, to have a beautiful house, and to do what I want?
Who am I kidding, yes I'll more likely than not have kids but I just wish that when people brought those "little angels" into the world, they knew what they were dealing with.
yes! kids are alot of work, but ohhh the rewards are sooo sweet when: you hear them say "i love you", when you watch that first, second, and third dance recital or soccer game. when they call just to see how you're doing. when you get to go to the temple with them, when they give you those darling grandchildren. when you know that you can be a family forever! i could go on and on! never think that it isn't worth it! love ya!
jacki can say that now...because hers are all grown up. LOL!! your job is the best form of birth control EVER! just remember that they are not yours and you can do whatever you want right now while you are young and gorgeous and not married and not a mom. go live your life to the fullest and then you will be ready when it is your turn to do it with no regrets and no what ifs. plus, your kids will be angels...don't you know that? it's a lot harder to deal with other people's kids poop and all of that gross stuff than yours, i promise.
amen marci!!! i babysat a lot- its so not the same in many ways. harder? YES! but so much more rewarding.
RUN!!!! travel, experience life, be selfish!!!!!! at least for the next few years cause you will never get them back. then when you do decide to have a few of your own you won't have any regrets!!!! oh- and if you need a break we have play date at my house on tuesdays and amanda (that's the 5yr old, right) is kamryns age and it's a great way to 'escape' the 'sh...crap'! good luck- but seriously- run! you are not trapped!!!!! you are single and free- RUUUUUNNNNN!!!!
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